Affiliate Marketing 2006 The Year of The Average Jane and Joe
Released on = January 7, 2006, 12:36 pm
Press Release Author = Home Base Service Company
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Mike Considine owner of Affiliate Co-op Marketing ( ) says \"It\'s about time someone developed a system that allows the average Jane and Joe to participate in the Affiliate Marketing Industry without them needing to learn to be a Super Affiliate. So that is what we did\"
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 1/7/2006
Mill Hall, PA - January 7, 2006 - \"I\'m tired of all the Internet hype designed to convince the average Affiliate that by purchase a piece of software or an e-book they can successfully compete with the Super Affiliate. The truth is the Super Affiliate invested thousands of dollars a month and thousands of hours to get where they are today. \" says Mike Considine owner of Home Base Service Company and Affiliate Co-op Marketing.
In the continuing search for control over marketing costs, online Merchants are discovering the benefits of starting Affiliate Marketing programs. The truth is they lower their cost of advertising by shifting those costs to their Affiliate Network. They now have a fixed cost for each sale (the commissions they pay) while the traditional high costs of advertising is now being covered by the Affiliate. There is no way of getting around the cold hard facts that it takes money to make money, and in the Affiliate Marketing Industry it\'s the Affiliate spending the bulk of that money.
If you already have a network of high traffic websites then it\'s easy for you to monotize them by adding site relevant Affiliate programs, but what if your not that lucky? Then if you want to do this on your own your going to need to commit your time and your money and learn to build a network of hundreds of content rich websites. Sadly 95% of the people that try give up because they find out it cost to much money and takes to much time before they turn a profit.
Now some of the people that fall into that 95% group are taking a look at a long time proven marketing strategy but with a new twist... the Co-op.
Mike says \"Co-ops have been around forever, but we take this marketing strategy in a completely new direction. No one that we know of is using the power of the Co-op like we do at Affiliate Co-op Marketing\"
On behalf of our members our projects are budgeted to spend thousands of dollars a month on things like... -Website Development -Keyword Research -Traffic Generation -E-mail Marketing -Search Engine Optimization -Marketing Software -Marketing Training -Website Content -Content and Product Researchers
About Mike Considine: Mike Considine has been building marketing websites and integrated marketing systems for companies for over nine years. He has helped thousands of individual marketers promote their programs, products and services.
About Affiliate Co-op Marketing: Affiliate Co-op Marketing provides a completely hands off marketing strategy for the average Jane & Joe to participate in various company managed marketing projects and share the profits.
Contact: Michael Considine Direct line: (570) 748-7740
Web Site =
Contact Details = Michael Considine||2024 Sugar Run Road||Mill Hall , 17751||$$country||||570-748-7740||||